Sunday, October 2, 2011

New Parish Records Already Online

I played around with the Irish Genealogy web site on Saturday afternoon and found to my surprise that the new Roman Catholic parish records for Dublin city (and Cork) that were not supposed to be released until Tuesday had already arrived. Apparently, I wasn't the only one. I've found that the site and search results are not completely stable; sometimes running exactly the same search gives different sets of results. Moving your mouse over an entry is supposed to bring up a pop-up with more details about that record, but this was a bit hit-and-miss too. Sometimes I had to reload the page to get it to work. I imagine that these problems are due to the new records not being fully ready for prime time yet; the site hasn't officially announced that the new records are available, so perhaps they were just testing things out? However, these minor irritations weren't enough to dampen my enthusiasm. I found some new information on family members and confirmed previous suspicions, and all in just a few short hours compared to the many long hours I used to put in going through microfilms at the National Library. It will be great when images from the registers themselves are available; this will be especially useful for those records with dodgy handwriting. The sooner more records become available the better, but those responsible for the site have done a great job in releasing what's currently available. This site is a great resource that can only improve over time.